议 程

主办单位 新兴经济体研究会
支持单位 中共广东省委外事工作委员会办公室(广东省人民政府外事办公室)
承办单位 广东省新兴经济体研究会
时间:11月9日 18:00-20:00(晚餐)
11月10日 12:00-14:00(午餐)
时间:11月10日 18:00-22:00(晚餐)
早餐时间:7:00-9:00 早餐地点:2号楼二楼珠江厅A区
时间 |
时长 |
事项 |
负责人 |
18:00-19:00 |
60分钟 |
会议签到 |
鲍会荣(手机:13902403160) |
第一节 工作报告 |
主持人:张宇燕(新兴经济体研究会会长,中国社会科学院学部委员,世界经济与政治研究所所长、研究员) |
时间 |
时长 |
事项 |
报告人 |
19:00-19:10 |
10分钟 |
新兴经济体研究会2019年度工作报告 |
徐秀军(新兴经济体研究会副秘书长,中国社会科学院世界经济与政治研究所研究员) |
19:10-19:20 |
10分钟 |
广东省新兴经济体研究会2019年度工作报告 |
陈万灵(广东省新兴经济体研究会副会长、秘书长,广东外语外贸大学高等教育研究中心主任、教授) |
19:20-19:30 |
10分钟 |
评议报告 |
两会会员 |
第二节 颁奖仪式 |
主持人:蔡春林(新兴经济体研究会副秘书长,广东省新兴经济体研究会会长,广东工业大学金砖中心主任、教授) |
时间 |
时长 |
事项 |
颁奖人 |
19:30-19:40 |
10分钟 |
2019新兴经济体论坛征文获奖论文颁奖典礼 |
张宇燕(新兴经济体研究会会长,中国社会科学院学部委员,世界经济与政治研究所所长、研究员) 于海峰(广东财经大学党委副书记、校长) |
19:40-19:50 |
10分钟 |
广东省新兴经济体研究会征文获奖论文颁奖典礼 |
陈万灵(广东省新兴经济体研究会副会长、秘书长,广东外语外贸大学教授) 黄晓凤(广东省新兴经济体研究会副会长;广东财经大学经济学院院长兼国民经济研究中心主任,教授) |
第三节 专题报告 |
主持人:蔡春林(新兴经济体研究会副秘书长,广东省新兴经济体研究会会长,广东工业大学金砖中心主任、教授) |
时间 |
时长 |
事项 |
报告人 |
19:50-20:20 |
30分钟 |
百年变局与新兴经济体研究 |
张宇燕(新兴经济体研究会会长,中国社会科学院学部委员,世界经济与政治研究所所长、研究员) |
20:20-20:50 |
30分钟 |
讨论 |
11月10日 星期日
议 程
时间 |
时长 |
事项 |
负责人 |
8:00-8:30 |
30分钟 |
会议签到 |
梁金颖(手机:15875868770) |
开幕式 |
主持人:陈为民(广东工业大学党委常委、副校长) |
时间 |
时长 |
事项 |
致辞嘉宾 |
8:30-8:40 |
10分钟 |
嘉宾致辞 |
黄 武(广东省政协副主席、致公党广东省委主委) |
8:40-8:50 |
10分钟 |
嘉宾致辞 |
栾天罡(广东工业大学党委常委、副校长) |
8:50-9:00 |
10分钟 |
嘉宾致辞 |
张宇燕(新兴经济体研究会会长,中国社会科学院学部委员,世界经济与政治研究所所长、研究员) |
主旨演讲 |
主持人:蔡春林(新兴经济体研究会副秘书长,广东省新兴经济体研究会会长,广东工业大学金砖中心主任、教授) |
时间 |
时长 |
演讲题目 |
演讲嘉宾 |
9:00-9:12 |
12分钟 |
新时代中俄全面合作:价值、领域与前景 |
张树华(中国社会科学院政治学研究所所长、研究员) |
9:12-9:24 |
12分钟 |
巴西对参与“一带一路”倡议的态度 |
白 华(巴西DOCTUM大学高级研究员;广东省新兴经济体研究会副秘书长) |
9:24-9:36 |
12分钟 |
分进合击的美国对华贸易策略 |
屠新泉(对外经济贸易大学中国WTO研究院院长、教授) |
9:36-9:48 |
12分钟 |
构建开放型世界经济面临的挑战 |
沃尔特·克里斯特曼(全球挑战基金会创始人兼主席;中国-加州企业协会主席) |
9:48-10:00 |
12分钟 |
“一带一路”与中国参与全球治理的路径选择 |
徐秀军(新兴经济体研究会副秘书长、中国社会科学院世界经济与政治研究所研究员) |
10:00-10:30 |
合影与茶歇 |
主题论坛 |
10:30-12:00 制度型开放与“一带一路”高质量发展 |
主持人 冯维江(中国社会科学院世界经济与政治研究所国家安全研究室主任、研究员) 论坛嘉宾 杨先明(云南大学发展研究院教授) 努诺·瓦斯科(葡萄牙数字化转型联合实验室首席科学家) 霍伟东(西南财经大学教授) 陈万灵(广东外语外贸大学高等教育研究中心主任、教授) 普里亚·巴拉苏布拉曼尼亚(印度全民健康计划主任、公共卫生基金会高级公共卫生科学家) 林跃勤(中国社会科学杂志社对外传播中心主任、研究员) 讨论议题 ●构建开放型世界经济面临的挑战 ●开放型世界经济的制度基础 ●“一带一路”高质量发展与开放型合作平台构建 ●国别与区域视角下的“一带一路”高质量发展 ● 新时代中国的对外开放 提问环节 |
12:00-13:30 午餐(5号楼二楼岭馆大厅) |
分论坛(一)议题 制度型开放的理论基础与实现途径
时 间:11月10日13:30-17:30
地 点:广州白云国际会议中心3号楼四层3410会议室
时间 |
时长 |
事项 |
负责人 |
13:00-13:30 |
30分钟 |
会议签到 |
鲍会荣(手机:13902403160) |
13:30-14:45第一节:制度性开放:自贸区与粤港澳大湾区 |
主持人:袁正清(中国社会科学院世界经济与政治研究所研究员) 讨论嘉宾 刘恩专(天津财经大学“天津市自由贸易区研究院”执行院长、教授) 董小麟(广东外语外贸大学原副校长、教授) 张祖荣(广东财经大学经济学院教授) 林 珏(上海财经大学国际工商管理学院(商学院)教授) 郑代良(怀化学院法学与公共管理学院院长、副教授) 讨论议题 ●自贸试验区制度型开放的战略路径 ●新兴经济体开放合作中的城市与城市群——粤港澳大湾区建设的启迪 ●粤港澳大湾区建设中如何更好发挥保险的作用 ●贸易保护主义会导致全球经济脱钩吗?——基于国际经济周期联动的视角 ●制度型开放:全球治理中的中国智慧与中国方案 点评嘉宾 郝治军(人保投资控股有限公司深圳资产管理部副总经理) |
14:45-16:00 第二节:经济开放与全球治理 |
主持人:王方方(广东财经大学经济学院副院长,副教授) 讨论嘉宾 黄晓慧(广东省社会科学院法学研究所研究员) 任 琳(中国社会科学院世界经济与政治研究所全球治理研究室主任、副研究员) 冯 阔(中央财经大学国际经济与贸易学院博士研究生,国务院发展研究中心见习研究员) 石晓婧(对外经济贸易大学WTO研究院博士研究生) 讨论议题 ●广东的创新发展与制度型开放的法治化实现路径研究 ●“一带一路”倡议与全球经济治理的国际环境分析 ●经济开放有助于增强农村非农就业的减贫效应吗? ●国际组织与主权国家权力的再平衡 点评嘉宾 刘文革(浙江工商大学国际商务研究院教授) |
16:00-16:15 茶 歇 |
16:15-17:30 第三节:中国与新兴市场国家合作新趋势 |
主持人:刁 莉(武汉大学经济与管理学院副教授) 讨论嘉宾 张 屹(中国国际问题研究院助理研究员) 白 洁(山东财经大学新兴经济体研究中心执行主任) 韦晓慧(广东外语外贸大学国际经济贸易研究中心讲师) 杨玉蒙(武汉大学经济与管理学院硕士研究生) 赵伊凡(武汉大学经济与管理学院硕士研究生) 讨论议题 ●马来西亚与“一带一路” ●国际经贸新规则的演进趋势分析 ●中非经贸合作区发展现状、问题与建议 ●CPTPP对中国与东盟双边贸易的影响研究 ●中国-亚洲新兴市场国家农产品出口贸易效率及其潜力研究 点评嘉宾 陈能军(上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院博士后,副研究员) 高维新(广东海洋大学经济学院教授) |
分论坛(二)议题 新兴经济体的共同发展与开放合作:
时 间:11月10日13:30-17:45
地 点:广州白云国际会议中心3号楼五楼1号国际会议厅
时间 |
时长 |
事项 |
负责人 |
13:00-13:30 |
30分钟 |
会议签到 |
林彩娥(手机:13138766653) |
13:30-13:40 开场 |
发言人:陈 溪(南洋理工大学拉惹勒南国际问题研究院高级访问学者、前中兴通讯智慧城市研究院院长) 标题:中美地缘技术竞争与合作 |
13:40-14:30第一节 地缘政治与技术:理解商业的适应性 |
主持人:陈 溪(南洋理工大学拉惹勒南国际问题研究院高级访问学者、前中兴通讯智慧城市研究院院长) 发言嘉宾: 禹国刚(深圳证券交易所创始人及前副总经理) 标题:中国资本市场起源中的跨国合作 陈兆丰(普华永道管理咨询(上海)有限公司合伙人) 标题:中国产业价值链转型趋势 桑岛浩彰(加州大学伯克利分校访问学者,前日本Linker公司高级副总裁) 标题:中日合作:全球治理与不确定性管理 努诺·瓦斯科(葡萄牙数字化转型联合实验室首席科学家) 标题:中欧合作:互惠关系的崛起 |
14:30-15:20第二节 地缘政治与技术:理解新兴经济体的适应性 |
主持人:陈 溪(南洋理工大学拉惹勒南国际问题研究院高级访问学者、前中兴通讯智慧城市研究院院长) 发言嘉宾: 白华(巴西DOCTUM大学高级研究员;广东省新兴经济体研究会副秘书长) 标题:中美两国在拉美——运用地理技术的战略影响之争 赵毅(中国国防大学国家安全学院国际战略研究所副所长,副教授) 标题:不确定时期下的新兴经济体地缘技术合作 普里亚·巴拉苏布拉曼尼亚(印度全民健康计划主任、公共卫生基金会高级公共卫生科学家) 标题:公共卫生中技术与创新的角色-突破边界 林民旺(复旦大学南亚研究中心副主任,教授) 标题:美国“印太战略”与南亚地缘格局的发展 |
15:20-16:10第三节 地缘政治与技术:理解世界的适应性 |
主持人:陈 溪(南洋理工大学拉惹勒南国际问题研究院高级访问学者、前中兴通讯智慧城市研究院院长) 发言嘉宾: 沃尔特·克里斯特曼(全球挑战基金会创始人兼主席,博士) 标题:地缘政治竞争与合作:呼唤下一代行动范式 |
拉维·韦洛尔(新加坡海峡时报副总编及全球事务评论人) 标题:待定 李明江(南洋理工大学拉惹勒南国际问题研究院中国项目负责人,副教授) 标题:CPTPP对中国全球地缘政治的价值 钱 峰(清华大学国家战略研究院研究部主任,高级研究员) 标题:中美战略竞争走向何方? 樊高月(中国人民解放军军事科学院世界军事研究部前主任,教授) 标题:未来的全球政治格局、发展与合作 |
16:10-16:25茶歇 |
16:25-16:45第四节 讨论:商业适应性的再理解 |
主持人:陈 溪(南洋理工大学拉惹勒南国际问题研究院高级访问学者、前中兴通讯智慧城市研究院院长) 讨论嘉宾: 禹国刚(深圳证券交易所创始人及前副总经理) 陈兆丰(普华永道管理咨询(上海)有限公司合伙人) 桑岛浩彰(加州大学伯克利分校访问学者,前日本Linker公司高级副总裁) 努诺·瓦斯科(葡萄牙数字化转型联合实验室首席科学家) |
16:45-17:05第五节 讨论:新兴经济体适应性的再理解 |
主持人:陈 溪(南洋理工大学拉惹勒南国际问题研究院高级访问学者、前中兴通讯智慧城市研究院院长) 讨论嘉宾: 白华(巴西DOCTUM大学高级研究员;广东省新兴经济体研究会副秘书长) 赵毅(中国国防大学国家安全学院国际战略研究所副所长,副教授) 普里亚·巴拉苏布拉曼尼亚(印度全民健康计划主任、公共卫生基金会高级公共卫生科学家) 林民旺(复旦大学南亚研究中心副主任,教授) |
17:05-17:35第六节 讨论:中国、美国和世界适应性的再理解 |
主持人:陈 溪(南洋理工大学拉惹勒南国际问题研究院高级访问学者、前中兴通讯智慧城市研究院院长) 讨论嘉宾: 沃尔特·克里斯特曼(全球挑战基金会创始人兼主席,博士) 拉维·韦洛尔(新加坡海峡时报副总编及全球事务评论人) 李明江(南洋理工大学拉惹勒南国际问题研究院中国项目负责人,副教授) 钱 峰(清华大学国家战略研究院研究部主任,高级研究员) 樊高月(中国人民解放军军事科学院世界军事研究部前主任,教授) |
17:35-17:45结语 |
发言人:陈 溪(南洋理工大学拉惹勒南国际问题研究院高级访问学者、前中兴通讯智慧城市研究院院长) |
分论坛(三)议题 “一带一路”高质量发展的机遇与挑战
时 间:11月10日13:30-17:30
地 点:广州白云国际会议中心3号楼四层3412会议室
时间 |
时长 |
事项 |
负责人 |
13:00-13:30 |
30分钟 |
会议签到 |
梁金颖(手机:15875868770) |
13:30-14:45第一节:“一带一路”与中国企业走出去的机遇 |
主持人:黄晓凤(广东财经大学经济学院院长兼国民经济研究中心主任,教授) 讨论嘉宾 陈忠(福建师范大学经济学院教授、福州外语外贸学院开放型经济贸易研究中心主任) 姜 巍(广东外语外贸大学经济贸易学院教授) 周 英(中央民族大学经济学院副教授) 涂志明(江西师范大学马克思主义学院教师,亚太智库研究员) 田 旭(中国社会科学院世界经济与政治研究所助理研究员) 讨论议题 ●促进福建21世纪海上丝绸之路核心区建设的路径与措施研究 ●市场化改革、企业“走出去”与中国国内就业 ●我国中间品进口潜力和影响因素研究 ●“亚非增长走廊”计划:印、日的战略考量及缺陷 ●高质量基础设施建设:基本原则和区域特质 点评嘉宾 陈本昌(辽宁大学经济学院副教授) |
14:45-16:00 第二节:新兴经济体合作的挑战与应对 |
主持人:刘建江(长沙理工大学经济与管理学院副院长,教授) 讨论嘉宾 孙楚仁(广东外语外贸大学广东国际战略研究院教授) 卢静(外交学院国际关系研究所教授) 王跃武(湖南大学工商管理学院副教授) 任育锋(中国农业科学院农业信息研究所助理研究员) 马 涛(中国社会科学院世界经济与政治研究所副研究员) 讨论议题 ●外交伙伴关系与中国大宗商品进口持续时间 ●大国战略竞争背景下的新兴经济体合作:挑战与应对 ●“一带一路”投资风险与项目财务评价改进研究 ●新时期金砖国家农业合作的机遇与挑战 ●中国与“一带一路”沿线国家的经贸关联和发展挑战 点评嘉宾 徐永利(河北大学经济学院教授) |
16:00-16:15 茶 歇 |
16:15-17:30第三节:“一带一路”沿线国家的发展战略对接 |
主持人:罗 锋(佛山科学技术学院经济管理与法学院执行院长,教授) 讨论嘉宾 欧阳向英(中国社会科学院世界经济与政治研究所研究员) 韩永辉(广东外语外贸大学副教授) 张志明(广东外语外贸大学经济贸易学院副教授) 崔春莹(文华学院副教授,文华学院互联网与产业创新发展研究中心主任) 楚 杨(广东工业大学经济与贸易学院硕士研究生) 讨论议题 ●中俄“带盟对接”的现状与成因分析 ●双边政治关系距离对中国企业海外并购的影响 ●中国与“一带一路”国家的全球价值链合作研究 ●中印文化产品贸易效率与潜力分析——基于随机前沿引力模型 ●金砖国家数字技术发展和合作对策 点评嘉宾 熊启泉(华南农业大学经管学院教授) 陈章喜(暨南大学经济学院教授) |
分论坛(四)议题 共建“一带一路”的海外利益风险与防范
时 间:11月10日13:30-17:30
地 点:广州白云国际会议中心3号楼四层3413会议室
时间 |
时长 |
事项 |
负责人 |
13:00-13:30 |
30分钟 |
会议签到 |
江心莹(手机:18406606668) |
13:30-14:45第一节:“一带一路”海外利益风险与保护机制 |
主持人:陈 原(广东工业大学经济与贸易学院副院长,教授) 讨论嘉宾 林乐芬(南京农业大学财政金融研究中心主任,教授) 金孝柏(上海对外经贸大学《国际商务研究》编辑部主任) 杨永聪(广东外语外贸大学粤港澳大湾区研究院副教授) 刘 超(湘潭大学公共管理学院副教授) 吕 越(对外经济贸易大学中国世界贸易组织研究院副教授) 讨论议题 ●共建“一带一路”海外利益风险与保护机制——基于“一带一路”沿线国家政府的债务可持续性分析 ●“一带一路”背景下我国高校海外办学的路径选择 ●东道国经济政策不确定性与企业对外直接投资策略 ●欧美国家海外利益保护中的NGO:作用与启示 ●“一带一路”倡议的投资效应分析 点评嘉宾 朱 宇(黑龙江省社会科学院原院长,研究员) 李景睿(广东工业大学经济与贸易学院副教授) |
14:45-16:00 第二节:“一带一路”金融风险及防范 |
主持人:陈万灵(广东外语外贸大学高等教育研究中心主任、教授) 讨论嘉宾 马德功(四川大学经济学院教授,金融系主任) 陈奉先(首都经贸大学金融学院副院长,副教授) 罗成(贵州财经大学金融学院副教授) 施建平(苏州市职业大学编审) 讨论议题 ●系统性金融风险及其防控 ●中国货币互换协议缔结的驱动因素与作用效果研究 ●关于新兴经济体的高质量开放合作的风险 ●做好企业公民,防范各种风险——论企业如何“走出去” 点评嘉宾 裴桂芬(河北大学日本研究所所长,教授) |
16:00-16:15 茶 歇 |
16:15-17:30第三节:“一带一路”企业风险与评价 |
主持人:冯晓明(中国社会科学院世界经济与政治研究所《中国与世界经济》编辑部执行主编) 讨论嘉宾 孙泽生(上海师范大学教授) 马文秀(河北大学日本研究所副所长,教授) 陈 瑛(云南大学发展研究院研究员) 郑雪平(西南科技大学经济管理学院副教授) 蔡春林(广东工业大学经济与贸易学院教授) 讨论议题 ●“一带一路”倡议、异质性企业反应与风险评价 ●中国对中东欧直接投资影响因素与潜力研究--基于东道国视角 ●企业社会责任履行与海外中资企业的劳资冲突 ●“一带一路”沿线国家投资风险与防范--以“波罗的海明珠”项目为例 ●“一带一路”企业主体与风险管控 点评嘉宾 谢长青(佛山科学技术学院经济管理与法学院副院长,副教授) 李会明(中国现代国际关系研究院研究员) |
18:00-20:00晚 餐(5号楼二楼岭馆大厅) |
China Society of Emerging Economies Annual Conference 2019&7th Emerging Economics Forum
(International Academic Conference)
Institutional Openness and High-quality Development of the Belt and Road Initiative

Guangzhou Baiyun International ConventionCenter
9-10 November 2019
Hosted by
China Society for Emerging Economies
China International Cultural Exchange Center
Guangdong University of Technology (GDUT)
Supported by
Foreign Affairs Office, People's Government of Guangdong Province
Economic Committee of China Zhi Gong Party Guangdong Committee
Organized by
Guangdong Emerging Economies Society
Center of BRICS Studies, Guangdong University of Technology
School of Economics and Commerce, Guangdong University of Technology
National Economic Research Center of Guangdong University of Finance and Economics
Research Center for International Trade and Economics, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
School of Business and Law, Foshan University of Science and Technology
Check-in on November 9: 9:00-22:00 (nonlocal guests)
Venue:Hall, Building 5, GuangzhouBaiyun International Convention Center
Check-in on November 10: 8:00-8:40 (Local Guests & others)
Venue: No.1 International Conference Hall, 5th Floor, Building 3
Time:9 November 18:00-20:00 (dinner)
10 November 12:00-14:00 (lunch)
Venue:Lingguan Hall, 2nd Floor, Building 5
Time:10 November 18:00-22:00 (dinner)
Place:Banquet Hall, 2nd Floor, Building 5
Hotel Guests:
Time: 7:00-9:00
Venue: Area A, Pearl River Hall, 2nd Floor, Building 2
Accommodation: Building 1 and Building 5 (Lingnan Oriental Hotel)
November 9 (Saturday)
China Society of Emerging Economies Annual Conference 2019
Guangdong Society of Emerging Economies Annual Conference 2019
Time: November 9, 2019 19:00-20:50
Venue: No.1 International Conference Hall 1, 5th Floor, Building 3
Time |
Duration |
Events |
Moderator |
18:00-19:00 |
60 minutes |
Registration |
Bao Huirong(TEL: 13902403160) |
Section1Working Report |
Moderator:Zhang YuyanPresident of the China Society of Emerging Economies(CSEE), Member of the ChineseAcademy of Social Sciences(CASS), Director and Research Fellow of the Institute of World Economics and Politics(IWEP) |
Time |
Duration |
Events |
Reporter |
19:00-19:10 |
10 minutes |
2019 Annual Report of China Society of Emerging Economies |
Xu Xiujun(Deputy Secretary-General ofCSEEand Research Fellow ofIWEP,CASS) |
19:10-19:20 |
10 minutes |
2019 Annual Report ofGuangdong Society of Emerging Economies |
Chen WanlingVice President and Secretary-General ofGuangdong Emerging Economies Society(GEES)and Professor of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies(GDUFS) |
19:20-19:30 |
10 minutes |
Report Appraisal |
Members of Societies |
Section 2Award Ceremony |
Moderator: Cai Chunlin( Deputy Secretary-General ofCEES, President ofGSEE, Director and Professor of Center for BRICS Studies of Guangdong University of Technology ) |
Time |
Duration |
Events |
Awarded by |
19:30-19:40 |
10 minutes |
2019 Emerging Economies Forum Essay Award Presentation Ceremony |
Zhang Yuyan( President ofCSEE, Member ofCASS, Director and Research Fellow ofIWEP) Yu Haifeng(Vice Secretaryofthe Party Committee of Guangdong University of Finance and Economics(GUFE)and President ofGDUFE) |
19:40-19:50 |
10 minutes |
Guangdong Emerging Economies Forum Essay Award Presentation Ceremony |
Chen Wanling(Vice President and Secretary-General ofGEESand Professor ofGDUFS) Huang Xiaofeng(Vice President and Secretary-General ofGuangdong Emerging Economies SocietyandDean of Faculty of Economics, Guangdong University of Finance and Economics) |
Section 3 Special Reports |
Moderator: Cai ChunlinDeputy Secretary-General ofCSEE, President ofGEES, Director and Professor of Center for BRICS Studies of Guangdong University of Technology(GDUT) |
Time |
Duration |
Events |
Reporter |
19:50-20:20 |
30 minutes |
A Study on the Change of the Century and Emerging Economies |
Zhang Yuyan( President ofCSEE, Member ofCASS, Director and Research Fellow ofIWEP) |
20:20-20:50 |
30 minutes |
Discussion |
November 10 (Sunday)
China Society of Emerging Economies Annual Conference 2019 & 7th Emerging Economics Forum
Institutional Openness and High-quality Development of the Belt and Road Initiative
(Languages: Chinese and English)
Venue:No. 1 International Conference Hall, 5/F, Building 3,Baiyun International Convention Center, Guangzhou
Time |
Duration |
Events |
Moderator |
8:00-8:30 |
30 minutes |
Sign in |
Liang Jinying(Tel: 15875868770) |
Opening Ceremony |
Moderator: Chen Weimin(Member and Vice President of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee ofGDUT) |
Time |
Duration |
Events |
Speakers |
8.30-8.40 |
10 minutes |
Guest Speech |
Huang Wu(Vice Chairman of Guangdong Committee of CPPCC and Chairman of Guangdong Committee of Zhi Gong Party) |
8:40-8:50 |
10 minutes |
Guest Speech |
Luan Tiangang(Member and Vice President of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee ofGDUT) |
8:50-9:00 |
10 minutes |
Guest Speech |
Zhang Yuyan(President ofCSEE, Member of theCASS, Director and Research Fellow ofIWEP) |
Keynote speech |
Moderator: Cai Chunlin(Deputy Secretary-General ofCSEE, President ofGEES, Director and Professor of Center for BRICS Studies ofGDUT) |
Time |
Duration |
Topic |
Speakers |
9:00-9:12 |
12 minutes |
Sino-Russian Comprehensive Cooperation in the New Era: Value, Field and Prospect |
Zhang Shuhua(Director and Research Fellow of Institute of Political Science, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) |
9:12-9:24 |
12 minutes |
Brazil's Attitude towards Participation in the Belt and Road Initiative |
Marcos De Paiva Vieira(SeniorResearchConsultantof DOCTUMUNIVERSITY, Brazil, and Deputy Secretary-General ofGEES) |
9:24-9:36 |
12 minutes |
U.S. Trade Strategy with China |
Tu Xinquan(Dean andProfessor of the China Institute for WTO Studies of University of International Business and Economics) |
9:36-9:48 |
12 minutes |
Challenges in Building an Open World Economy |
Walter Christman(Chairman and Founding Director of Global Challenges Forum Foundation) |
9:48-10:00 |
12 minutes |
The Belt and Road Initiative and the Path Choice of China's Participation in Global Governance |
Xu Xiujun(Researcher,IWEP,CASS) |
10:00-10:30 |
Group Photo and Tea Break |
Theme forums |
10:30-12:00Institutional Openness and High-quality Development of the Belt and Road Initiative |
Moderator Feng Weijiang(Director and Research Fellow of National Security Research Office,IWEP, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) Guests Yang Xianming(Professor of Development Research Institute, Yunnan University) NunoVasco(Chief Technology Officer and Professor of National Lab on Digital Transformation in Portugal) Huo Weidong(Professor of Southwest University of Finance and Economics) Chen Wanling(Director and Professor of Higher Education Center of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies) Priya Balasubramaniam(Senior Scientist of Public Health Foundation(India); Director of Universal Health Coverage Initiative) Lin Yueqin(Research Fellow and Director of Foreign Communication Center of Social Sciences In China Press) Topics for discussion ●Challenges in Building an Open World Economy ●The Institutional Basis of an Open World Economy ●Construction of the Belt and Road High-quality Development and Open Cooperation Platform for Belt and Road Initiative ●High-quality Development of the Belt and Road from the Perspective of Countries and Regions ●China's Opening up to the Outside World in the New Era Question & Answers |
12:00-13:30Lunch (Lingguan Hall, 2nd Floor, Building 5) |
Sub-Forum (1): The Theoretical Basis and Practical Approaches of Institutional Openness
Time: 13:30-17:45 November 10
Venue: Room 3410, 4thFloor, 3 Building,Baiyun International Convention Center, Guangzhou
Registration time and Contact:13:00-13:30,Bao Huirong(Mobile: 13902403160)
13:30-14:45Section 1: Institutional Opening-up: PilotFree Trade Zone and Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area |
Moderator Yuan Zhengqing(Research Fellow of Institute of World Economics and Politics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) Guests Liu Enzhuan( Executive Dean and Professor of Tianjin Free Trade Area Research Institute, Tianjin University of Finance and Economics) Dong Xiaolin(Former Vice-President and Professor of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies) Zhang Zurong(Professor of School of Economics, Guangdong University of Finance and Economics) Lin Jue(Professor, School of International Business Administration (Business School), Shanghai University of Finance and Economics) Zheng Dailiang(Dean and Associate Professor of School of Law and Public Administration, Huaihua University) Topics for discussion ●The Strategic Path of Institutional Opening of Pilot Free Trade Zone ●Cities and Urban Agglomeration in the Opening-up and Cooperation of Emerging Economies--Enlightenment from the Construction of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area ●How to Better Play the Role of Insurance in the Construction of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area ●Will protectionism decouple the global economy? --From the Perspective of International Business Cycle Linkage ●Institutional Opening-up: China's Wisdom and China's Plan in Global Governance Guest commentator Hao Zhijun(Deputy General Manager of Shenzhen Asset Management Department of PICC Investment Holdings Limited) |
14:45-16:00Section 2: Economic Openness and Global Governance |
Moderator: Wang Fangfang(Associate Dean and Associate Professor of School of Economics,GDUFE) Guests Huang Xiaohui(Research Fellow of Institute of Law, Guangdong Academy of Social Sciences) Ren Lin(Deputy Director and Associate Research Fellow of the department of International Strategy, Institute of World Economics andPolitics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) Feng Kuo(PhDCandidateof School of International Economics and Trade, Central University of Finance and Economics; and intern researcher inState Council Development Research Center Shi Xiaojing(Ph.D. Candidate of WTO Research Institute, University of International Business and Economics) Topics for discussion ●Research on the Innovation and Development of Guangdong Province and the Realization of Rule of Law in Institutional Opening-up ●An Analysis of the International Environment of the Belt and Road Initiative and Global Economic Governance ●Does Economic Openness Enhance the Poverty Reduction Effect of Rural Non-agricultural Employment? ●International Organizations and the Re-balance of Powers of Sovereign States Guest commentator Liu Wenge(Professor of Institute of International Business, Zhejiang Gongshang University) |
16:00-16:15Tea break |
16:15-17:30Section 3: New Trends in Cooperation between China and Emerging Market Countries |
Moderator Diao Li(Associate Professor of School of Economics and Management, Wuhan University) Guests Zhang Yi(Assistant Research Fellow of China Institute of International Studies ) Bai Jie(Executive Director of Emerging Economies Research Center, Shandong University of Finance and Economics) Wei Xiaohui(Lecturer of the Research Center of International Trade and Economics of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies) Yang Yumeng(Graduate Student of School of Economics and Management, Wuhan University) Zhao Yifan(Graduate Student of School of Economics and Management, Wuhan University) Topics for discussion ●Malaysia and the Belt and Road Initiative ●An Analysis of the Evolution Trend of the New Rules of International Economy and Trade ●Current Situation, Problems and Suggestions on the Development of China-Africa Overseas Economic and Trade Cooperation ●Research on the Influence of CPTPP on the Bilateral Trade between China and ASEAN ●Study on the Efficiency and Potential of Agricultural Export Trade between China and Emerging Asian Market Countries Guest commentators Chen Nengjun(Associate Researcher of Antai College of Economics & Management,Shanghai Jiao Tong University) Gao Weixin(Professor of School of Economics, Guangdong Ocean University) |
Sub-Forum (2): Common Development ,Openness and Cooperation of Emerging Economies: Geopolitics and Technology
(Languages: Chinese and English)
Time: 13:30-17:45 November 10
Venue:No. 1 International Conference Hall, 5/F, Building 3, Baiyun International Convention Center, Guangzhou
Registration time and Contact:13:00-13:30,Jiang Xinying(Mobile:18406606668)
13:30-13:40Opening |
Speaker: Dr. Chen XiSenior visiting fellow, Nanyang Technological University; Former president, Institute of smart city research at ZTE Title: China-U.S. Geo-tech competition and collaboration |
13:40-14:30Theme I Geopolitics and Technology: Understanding the Adaptation for Business |
Moderator:Dr. Chen Xi Speakers: Mr. Yu GuogangFounder and former vice general manager of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, China Title:The Origin of Chinese Capital Market and Global Collaboration Mr. Chan SiufungPartner, PricewaterhouseCoopers China Title:China Industry Value Chain Transformation Trends Mr. Hiroaki KuwajimaVisiting scholar, Univ. of California Berkeley; Former EVP and Board Member in Linkers Corporation Title:Japan-China: Global governance and Managing Uncertainties Dr. Nuno VascoLeading researcher at Digital Transformation CoLAB, Portugal Title:China-Europe: the Rise of a Mutually Beneficial Relationship |
14:30-15:20Theme II Geopolitics and Technology: Understanding the Adaptation for the Emerging Economies |
Moderator:Dr. Chen Xi Speakers: Prof. Marcos De Paiva VieiraSENIOR RESEARCH CONSULTANT of DOCTUM UNIVERSITY, Brazil, and Deputy Secretary-General of Guangdong Emerging Economies Society Title: China X USA in Latin America – Competition for strategic influence through Geotechnology Prof. Zhao YiDeputy Director, Office of International Strategy, School of National Security, National Defense University, China Title: Geo-tech Cooperation among the Emerging Countries in the Uncertain Ear Dr. Priya BalasubramaniamSenior Scientist, Public Health Foundation(India); Director, Universal Health Coverage Initiative Title: Role of Technology and Innovation in Public Health - Breaking new boundaries Prof. Lin MinwangDeputy Director of Center for South Asian Studies, Fudan University Title: Indo-Pacific Strategy and its Geopolitical Impacts for South Asia |
15:20-16:10Theme III Geopolitics and Technology: Understanding the Adaptation for the World |
Moderator:Dr. Chen Xi Speakers: Dr. Walter ChristmanChairman and Founding Director of Global Challenges Forum Foundation Title: Calling Forth Next-Generation Paradigm for Geo-political Action Mr. Ravi VelloorAssociate Editor and Global Affairs Commentator, The Straits Times Title: Calling Forth Next-Generation Paradigm for Geo-political Action Prof. Li MingjiangCoordinator of China Program, Nanyang Technological University Title: CPTPP: a Game Changer for China? Mr. Qian FengDirector and Senior Research Fellow, Research Department of National Strategy Institute, Tsinghua University Title: What course to follow: China and U.S. Strategic Competition Prof. Fan GaoyueFormer Director and Professor, Dep. of World Military Research, Academy of Military Science of P.L.A. Title: Future Global Political Configuration, Competition and Collaboration |
16:10-16:25Tea Break |
16:25-16:45Theme IV Panel Discussion: Re-Understanding the Adaptation for Business |
Moderator:Dr. Chen Xi Panelists: Mr. Yu GuogangFounder and former vice general manager of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, China Mr. Chan SiuFungPartner, PricewaterhouseCoopers China Mr. Hiroaki KuwajimaVisiting scholar, Univ. of California Berkeley; Former EVP and Board Member in Linkers CorporationDr. Nuno VascoLeading researcher at Digital Transformation CoLAB, Portugal |
16:45-17:05Theme V Panel Discussion: Re-Understanding the Adaptation for the Emerging Economies |
Moderator:Dr. Chen Xi Panelists: Prof.Marcos De Paiva VieiraSENIOR RESEARCH CONSULTANT of DOCTUM UNIVERSITY, Brazil, and Deputy Secretary-General of Guangdong Emerging Economies Society Prof. Zhao YiDeputy Director, Office of International Strategy, School of National Security, National Defense University, China Dr. Priya BalasubramaniamSenior Scientist, Public Health Foundation(India); Director, Universal Health Coverage InitiativeProf. Lin MinwangDeputy Director, Center for South Asian Studies, Fudan University |
17:05-17:35Theme VI Panel Discussion: Re-Understanding the Adaptation for the World |
Moderator:Dr. Chen XiSenior visiting fellow, Nanyang Technological University; Former president, Institute of smart city research at ZTE Panelists: Dr. Walter ChristmanChairman and Founding Director of Global Challenges Forum Foundation Mr. Ravi VelloorAssociate Editor and Global Affairs Commentator, The Straits Times Prof. Li MingjiangCoordinator of China Program, Nanyang Technological University Mr. Qian FengDirector and Senior Research Fellow, Research Department of National Strategy Institute, Tsinghua University Prof. Fan GaoyueFormer Director and Professor, Dep. of World Military Research of Academy, Military Sciences of P.L.A. |
17:35-17:45Closing |
Speaker: Dr. Chen Xi |
Sun-forum (3): Opportunities and Challenges of the High-Quality Development of Belt and Road Initiative
Time: 13:30-17:30 November 10
Venue:Room 3412, 4thFloor, 3 Building,Baiyun International Convention Center
Registration time and Contact:13:00-13:30,Liang Jinying(TEL:15875868770)
13:30-14:45Section 1 : Belt and Road Initiative and “Going Global” Opportunities for Chinese Enterprises |
Moderator Huang Xiaofeng(Professor and Dean of Faculty of Economics, Guangdong University of Finance and Economics) Guests Chen Zhong(ProfessorofSchool of Economics, Fujian Normal University and Research Center of Open Economics and Trade, Fuzhou University of International Studies and Trade) Jiang Wei(Professor of School of Economics and Trade, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies) Zhou Ying(Associate Professor,School of Economics,Minzu University of China) Tu Zhiming(Teacher of School of Marxism,Jiangxi Normal University; Research Fellow of APD Institute) Tian Xu(Assistant Research Fellow of Institute of World Economics and Politics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) Topics for discussion lStrategies and Paths for the Promotion of the Construction of 21stMaritime Silk Road Core Zone lMarket reform, “Going Global” Strategy for Enterprises and China’s Domestic Employment lResearch on the Contributory Factors and Import Potential of Intermediate Goods l“Asia and Africa Growth Corridor (AAGC)”: Strategic Considerations and Defects of India and Japan lQuality Infrastructure Development: Fundamental Principles and Regional Characteristics Guest Commentators Chen Benchang(Associate ProfessorofSchool of Economics, Liaoning University) Duan Zhezhe(Assistant Professor of Institute of Urban Governance, Shenzhen University) |
14:45-16:00Section 2: Challenges and Solutions for the Cooperation among Emerging Economies |
Moderator Liu Jianjiang(Professor and DeputyDean of School of Economics and Management, Changsha University of Technology) Guests Sun Churen(ProfessorofGuangdong Institute of International Strategies, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies) Lu Jing(ProfessorofInstitute of International Relations, China Foreign Affair University) Wang Yuewu(Associate professorofSchool of Business Administration, Hunan University) Ren Yufeng(Assistant research fellowofAgricultural Information Institute of CAAS) Ma Tao(Associate research fellowofInstitute of World Economics and Politics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) Topics for discussion lDuration of China’s Commodities Import and Diplomatic Partnership lCooperation among Emerging Economies from the Perspective of Major Country Strategic Competition: Challenges and Solutions |
lResearch on the Optimization of Project Finance Assessment of Investment Risks of Belt and Road Initiative lChallenges and Opportunities of Agricultural Cooperation among BRICS Countries in a New Era lChallenges of Development and Relevance of Trade between China and the Belt and Road Countries Guest Commentator Xu Yongli(Professor, School of Economics, Hebei Uniersity) |
16:00-16:15 Tea Break |
16:15-17:30Section 3: Seeking Complementarity between Development Strategies of Belt and Road Countries |
Moderator Luo Feng(Executive dean and Professor, School of Business and Law, Foshan University) Guests Ouyang Xiangying(Research fellow, Institute of World Economics and Politics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) Han Yonghui(Associate professor, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies) Zhang Zhiming(Associate professor, School of Economics and Trade, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies) Cui Chunying(Associate professor,Wenhua College) Chu Yang(Master Degree Candidate, School of Economics and Trade,GDUT) Topics for discussion lCurrrent Situation and Cause Analysis of China-Russia “BRI-EEU Complementarity” lEffect of Bilateral Political Relations on Overseas Purchase of Chinese Enterprises lResearch on Global Value Chain Cooperation between China and Belt and Road Countries lAnalysis on the Potential and Trade Efficiency of Cultural Products of China and India---Based on the Stochastic Frontier Model of Gravity lCooperation Strategies and Development of Digital Technology of BRICS Countries Guest Commentators Xiong Qiquan(Professor, School of Economics and Management, South China Agricultural University) Chen Zhangxi(Professor, School of Economics, Jinan University) |
Sun-forum (4): Risks Prevention of Overseas Interests In Joint-Construction of Belt and Road Initiative
Time: 13:30-17:30 November 10
Venue:Room 3413, 4thFloor, 3 Building,Baiyun International Convention Center
Registration time and Contact:13:00-13:30,Jiang Xinying(TEL:18406606668)
13:30-14:45Section 1: Prevention Scheme and Risks on Overseas Interests ofBelt and RoadInitiative |
Moderator Chen Yuan(Professor, Deputy Dean of School of Economics and Trade, Guangdong University of Technology) Guests Lin Lefen(Professor,Director of Financial Research Center, Nanjing Agricultural University) Jin Xiaobo(Associate Professor of the editorial board ofInternational Business Research, Shanghai University of International Business and Economics ) Yang Yongcong(Associate Professor,Institute of Studies for the Great Bay Area (Guangdong, Hong-Kong, Macau),Guangdong University of Foreign Studies) Liu Chao (Associate Professor of Political Science and Administration, Public Administration, Xiangtan University) Lv Yue(Associate Professor, University of International Business and Economics) Topics for discussion lRisks Prevention of Overseas Interests In Joint-Construction of Belt and Road Initiative---Analysis on the Sustainability of Debts of Belt and Road Countries lPaths of Overseas Education of China’s University from the Perspective ofBelt and Road Initiative lUncertainties of Host Country’ Economic Policy and Strategies on Foreign Direct Investment lThe Role and Enlightenment of NGOs in the Protection of Overseas Interests in Europe and America lThe Effect of the Belt and Road Initiative on China's OFDI Guest Commentators Zhu Yu(Research Fellow, Former Head of Heilongjiang Provincial Academy of Social Sciences) Li Jingrui(Associate Professor, School of Economics and Trade,GDUT) |
14:45-16:00 Section 2: Financial Risks of Belt and Road Initiative and itsPrevention |
Moderator Fang Changping (Professor of School of International Relations, Renmin University of China) Guests Ma Degong(Professor, School of Economics, Sichuan University) Chen Fengxian (Associate Dean and Associate Professor of School of Finance, Capital University of Economics and Trade) Liu Chao (Associate Professor of Political Science and Administration, Public Administration, Xiangtan University) Luo Cheng (Associate Professor of School of Finance, Guizhou University of Finance and Economics) Shi Jianping(Associate Professor, Editor of Journal Center of Suzhou Vocational University) Topics for discussion lSystemic Financial Risks and its Prevention lResearch on the Consequences and Driving Factors of China’s Currency Exchange Agreement Conclusion lNGO in Protection of Overseas Interests of European and American Countries: Function and Inspiration lRisks on High-Quality Openness and Cooperation concerning Emerging Economies lFulfill its Role as Corporate Citizenship and Prevent Multiple Risks: on China’s Enterprises’ “Going Global” |
Guest Commentator Pei Guifen(Professor,Director of Institute of Japanese Studies, Hebei University) |
16:00-16:15 Tea Break |
16:15-17:30 Section 3: Risks of Belt and Road Enterprises and the Assessment |
Moderator Feng Xiaoming (Managing Editor ofChina & World Economy,Institute of World Economics and Politics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) Guests Sun Zesheng(Professor in Economics of School of Business, Shanghai Normal University) Ma Wenxiu(ProfessorandViceDirector of Institute of Japanese Studies, Hebei University) Chen Ying(Research Fellow of Development Research Institute, Yunnan University) Zheng Xueping(Associate Professor, School of Economics and Trade, Southwest University of Science and Technology) Cai Chunlin(Professor, School of Economics and Trade, Guangdong University of Technology) Topics for discussion lBelt and Road Initiative and Response from Heterogeneous Enterprises and Risks Assessment lResearch on the Potential and Contributory Factors of China-Central-and-East-European Direct Investment: from the Perspective of the Host Country lCorporate Social Responsibility Performance and Labor-capital Conflicts in Overseas Chinese Enterprises lBelt and Road Country Investment Risks and its Prevention: A Case Study of “Pearl of the Baltic” lThe Belt and Road Business Entity and Risk Control Guest Commentators Xie Changqing(Associate Dean and Associate Professor, School of Economic Management and Law, Foshan University) Li Huiming(Research Fellow, China Institute of Contemporary International Relations) |
18:00-20:00 Dinner (Lingguan Hall, 2nd Floor, Building 5) |